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ESG Performance

ESG Peformance

What is ESG?

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are the three central factors that determine the sustainability and societal impact of an organization’s investments and operations.

Why focus on ESG?

The assessment, monitoring and reporting of ESG performance enable companies and investors to:

Attract capital and mobilize resources from international investors

Anticipate the ESG regulatory requirements

Build responsible reputation

Strengthen trust amongst investors, partners and clients

The IBT ESG Platform

We have created an intuitive, fast and affordable ESG assessment, monitoring and reporting tool that facilitates the entire process and supports companies regardless of their size, industry or sustainability experience.

The IBT ESG Platform is aligned with international frameworks and standards
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Increase your ESG performance

At InfraBlocks, we help you improve your ESG performance through a phased approach:



We organize a session to assess your ESG objectives


Data collection

We give you access to collect ESG metrics via APIs or and team collaboration



We allow you to design, tailor and customize automated ESG reports


Risks & Monitoring

You can define objectives and keep track of your performance and assess your ESG risks 

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